[28], After Rey initially failed to convince Luke to help her, Luke was reunited with R2-D2 when he entered the Falcon to mourn the news that Han Solo was dead. Almost a sociopath, he relished destruction and encouraged deadly behavior to his master. He can calculate and manipulate on the digital level, but he often needs a hand in finishing the missionor hes utilized to aid whoever hes serving. The Overseer invited them in to await the negotiator, but Han revealed that they weren't there to negotiate and gave R2-D2 the signal. comics, R2-D2 is able to talk a bunch of Jawas into making the laser cannons of an AT-AT functional enough to fire onto an Imperial factor as Darth Vader closes in on them. Understandably, fans assumed that the holder of said title would be Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, or even Luke Skywalker, but this isnt the case. When Dreed's subordinate Venk attacked the flotilla, R2-D2 beamed Leia's speech directly to the Alder-Espirion Chief Beon Beonel. Blue[7]Silver[7]White[7] Homeworld R2-D2 was designed in artwork by Ralph McQuarrie, co-developed by John Stears and built by Peteric Engineering. [109], R2-D2 accompanied Luke and Shara Bey on a mission to obtain two Force-sensitive trees that sprouted from the one planted in the Jedi Temple training ground. While R2-D2 was repairing the engines, Ahsoka spent time with him and told him that she missed him. The Republic was fighting against the Separatists for access to Malastare's vast fuel reserves. R2-D2 was part of the squad along with the astromech droids QT-KT, M5-BZ, and U9-C4, and the pit droid WAC-47. R2-D2 didn't seem to have a good first impression of Yoda and appeared to tussle with him until Skywalker intervened. With R2-D2's help, Gascon and D-Squad managed to convince Gregor that he was a Clone trooper and to get him to help them. [105], R2 accompanied Skywalker on his mission to Serelia. Artoo later accompanied his master and Tano to Mustafar where they managed to rescue the children, following a skirmish with Separatist droids. However, Hondo kidnapped Ahsoka and left Artoo and the others to deliver the bad news to the Jedi Council. During the fighting, Merrik was killed by Skywalker and Duchess Satine was freed by the Jedi. However, R2-D2 relented upon learning about R5-D4's sad story. . They would crash and be stranded together on one of the moons of Ryloth,[144] where most of the episodes would take place. May 4 Be With You is reader-supported. He then helped locate his old friend C-3PO, who had arrived with Amidala and gotten lost aboard the massive warship. [64], R2-D2 later accompanied General Skywalker to the planet Scipio. [71] They traveled to Polis Massa, where Padm gave birth to twin children before dying. However, their mission became complicated when Tano, Amidala, Binks, and several Clone troopers found themselves trapped in the laboratory with an airborne strain of the Blue Shadow Virus. Indeed, R2-D2 is THE most powerful entity in the Star Wars Universe. Serving Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, the son of his two former masters throughout the Galactic Civil War, he participated in both the Battles of Hoth and Endor, and witnessed the successful destruction of the Empire's second Death Star four years after the first one was demolished. After Skywalker awoke and emerged from the rubble,[116] R2-D2 was present at his side, and the Jedi Master placed his hand on his trusted astromech as he knelt and wept. It seems like R2-D2 has genocidal tendencies since . [30] During the Clone Wars, R2 was Skywalker's faithful co-pilot. . After taking out an inspection team, R2 made his way to a terminal and found out where C-3PO was held. Right after the purchase, a droid called Todo 360 came up to them and suggested that the two droids relax at a nearby droid spa. [7], As they traveled through hyperspace, R2 sat beside Kenobi, who secretly had recognized R2. [95], Meanwhile, Han had successfully incapacitated Aphra (and himself). Similar to Hux, most of these kills came about as a result of various attack orders Nihilus gave to the Miralukas species on their planet. During his captivity, R2-D2 had managed to broadcast an emergency transmission to Skywalker, who traveled to Skytop Station and rescued him. Luke used his lightsaber and knocked Fett backwards where he tripped over R2. [23], After Ahsoka informed him about R2-D2's role in her escape, Organa joked that the droid was too independent and ought to be deactivated. C-3PO and Skywalker followed him in a landspeeder and caught up with R2-D2. Defeated, Grievous fled in an escape pod. Soon thereafter, R2 boarded Luke's T-65B X-wing to leave the Rebel fleet. Following two failed attempts to penetrate the trench which led to the thermal exhaust port, Skywalker and two other X-wing pilots, Wedge Antilles and Biggs Darklighter, made one final attempt to reach the exhaust port. Mark Rain, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr. Chewbacca, who was stationed on a large metal structure overlooking the landing platform where they had originally entered, reported that Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, had arrived. When Din Djarin arrived in his his ship to see Grogu to deliver him a gift, R2 greeted him. Krrsantan blew a hole into the cockpit and extracted Luke, but was attacked by Chewbacca. Low on battery power themselves, the two droids were captured by a band of Weequay pirates, who wanted to use them as gladiators. "[81], Leia's surrender turned out to be a ruse. [4], R2-D2, along with his masters Skywalker and Tano, later participated in the defense of Cato Neimoidia. R2-D2 has been around since the very first Star Wars movie and throughout every important event to date. [86], Soon, Luke and R2 set down in the Jundland Wastes, and began the trek through the desert to Kenobi's former home. Princess Leia Organa giving R2-D2 the plans to the Death Star. This gained the trust of Jora's followers and they pledged their allegiance to Princess Leia. [85], While R2's systems rebooted, Luke fought Boba Fett, a bounty hunter sent by Darth Vader to capture Luke and bring him to the Dark Lordalthough it was unknown to both Luke and Artoo at the time. During the fighting, R2-D2 and C-3PO made their way to the shield generator's blast door where Han and Leia were attempting to breach it. R2-D2 covered in mud, after surviving his encounter with the dragonsnake. "It"? [88], While jumping over rooftops in an effort to catch the lightsaber thief, Luke contacted R2 over his comlink, saying that they needed to get his lightsaber back as it was the only link he had to the Jedi. However, R2-D2 was aware about the true nature of their mission: preventing the T-7 ion disruptors from falling into Imperial hands. He managed to escape, and delayed them by using debris to block them. They attempted to capture R2-D2; however, before they could, the astromech droid blasted the ship into hyperspace and traveled to Coruscant. [57], R2, Ahsoka, and Lux fleeing the Death Watch, R2-D2 later accompanied Ahsoka, Senators Amidala, Bail Organa, and Mon Mothma on a peace mission to the neutral world of Mandalore. However, by the time of the Galactic Civil War they had not worked in ages, with their warranty being long expired,[127] having been damaged at some point after the Clone Wars. The factory was also the main target of the assault. Skywalker had freed the Chancellor and killed Count Dooku. The Phantom Menace Read-Along Storybook and CD, Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy A Graphic Novel, Choose Your Destiny: An Obi-Wan & Anakin Adventure, Forces of Destiny: Daring Adventures: Volume 2, The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark, Princess Leia vs. Darth Vader - A Fearless Leader, Chewie vs. Holochess - Let the Wookiee Win, A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy, Episode IV: A New Hope Read-Along Storybook and CD, The Adventures of Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight, Star Wars: The Original Trilogy A Graphic Novel, Choose Your Destiny: A Luke & Leia Adventure. Following a battle, the Republic succeeded in achieving these objectives and dealing a heavy blow against the Zygerrian Slave Empire. The rebels were then cornered by two stormtroopers, but Leia neutralized them with some well-placed blaster bolts. R2-D2 and Ahsoka barely managed to rescue Lux from murder by the Separatists and fled from Mandalore. R2-D2 and his allies later attended a victory parade in Theed, though they were unable to be joined by Jinn, as he had been killed by the Sith Lord Darth Maul during the battle. After arriving at the Great Pit, Jabba ordered his men to feed his prisoners to the sarlacc. That night, another assassination attempt was carried out. Since he had not received a memory wipe, R2-D2 recognized his old friend and told her that he and the pilots were working for a senator who wanted to meet her. [65] Using the evidence found in the files, Clovis and Amidala were able to present irrefutable evidence of the Banking Clan's corruption to the Galactic Senate. R2-D2 used his rocket boosters to bring him and C-3PO aboard Grievous' ship. The droid then accompanied his master, Verlaine, and the Melodic Order offworld on a T-1 shuttle and Lord Junn's eponymous yacht. Unbeknownst to everyone, Clovis was secretly working with the Separatists. Their reunion was short-lived, however, as Kenobi was killed a short time later aboard the Death Star at the hands of Darth Vader.[77]. However, they were unable to locate the mastermind who hired Bane, Darth Sidious. #2 Chopper is fucking Brutal for a droid. After traveling to the Wheel space station, the two Jedi took a comlink from Windu, who was disguised as the mobster Grynask Sanberge, back to their shuttle. Their mission was led by Meebur Gascon, a diminutive male Zilkin who served as a Colonel in the Grand Army of the Republic. Before a skirmish could occur, R2-D2 activated a trapdoor which sent everyone plunging down a chute into an arena. Think about it, if an order was not given to attack, then said individuals would still be alive. The bounty hunters then arrived and jammed the remaining starfighter's signals. Keep the trigger held down while you get off your horse and approach, and you'll. [18] preventing T-7 ion disruptor rifles from falling into the hands of the Empire,[24] and delivering Luke's lightsaber during a mission to rescue Han Solo and Chewbacca from Jabba the Hutt. Taking the word killer more literally now, R2-D2 has the same trigger-happy features, as well as a similar outward appearance, as BT-1 and 0-0-0. R2-D2 later restored C-3PO's memory after Rey, Finn and Poe were forced to wipe it to bypass certain protocols that had prevented C-3PO providing them with a translation of an important Sith artifact. And, more often than not, theres a staggering body count in his wake. About five years before the Battle of Yavin,[source?] After the fall of the Empire, R2-D2 has played more of a low-key (yet vital) role for the Resistance. Upon arriving, they discovered that the Separatists had already seized control of the ship and were planning to use the rhydonium-laden to disrupt a crucial Republic strategy conference aboard the space station Valor above the planet Carida. As a result, the Republic was able to conclude a treaty with Jabba.[20]. The three later traveled to Tatooine, where they were reunited with C-3PO, and then to Geonosis to rescue Kenobi. Later, R2-D2 repaired Tano's freighter. In response, R2-D2 whipped out his electro-shock prod, but did not use it as C-3PO ordered him to apologize. A short time later, Han attempted to step on Darth Vader with the AT-AT's massive feet. Mischievous and loyal with almost no filter, R2-D2 quickly established himself as a vital character in the Star Wars mythology. As amazing as the little astromech was, he did not top the charts for the highest number of kills in Star Wars. [122] During the Imperial Era, Tano missed R2-D2 and his help while she was hiding on Raada, but they reunited when Senator Organa located her, resulting in a happy reunion. Get the Disney Bundle After WAC appointed himself the leader of the squad, the astromech droids abandoned him and continued their journey to a sunken city. Without him starting up the star fighter while Anakin was inside, the battle may have very well been a loss. This moved R5-D4, who once worked for the Rebellion.[76]. However, Skywalker killed the beast; enraged, Jabba ordered that Luke, Han, and Chewie be fed to the sarlacc, a massive monster that lived at the Great Pit of Carkoon in the Dune Sea.[11]. Initially, Luke informed R2-D2 that he was resolute in his decision not to leave the planet or train Rey in the ways of the Force, but R2-D2 replayed the holographic recording of Leia asking Obi-Wan Kenobi for aid, inspiring Luke to accept Rey's request and give her at least a basic instruction in the ways and history of the Jedi. Before he left, he had Chewbacca upgrade his weapons systems. Arriving above Tatooine, the Twilight was attacked by Separatist vulture droids and crash-landed on the Dune Sea. Class Watch their music videos complete with lyrics, song meanings and biographies. (Shared kill), Destroyed in an explosion caused by R2-D2. Mass 32 kilograms[10] Coming in second to Armitage Hux on the list, Darth Nihilus has 6,556,396,720 kills. Upon seeing Tano, the droid happily went over to his old friend, and she patted him on the dome,[70] although this would be the last time they saw each other for a year. [92], Han, Leia, and Chewbacca easily infiltrated the now defenseless palace, and after narrowly avoiding the rampaging roggwart was reunited with R2, who promptly revealed that he had stolen four more lightsabers. Buzz saw[11]Electric pike[source? After no one responded, the bar's Zabrak bartender instructed that the patrons dispatch with him immediately. [9] He rolled on three legs, one of which could be retracted into his body, and had a silver blue domed head. Therefore, Armitage deserves to have the highest kill count in Star Wars, followed by Nihilus. [59] On the way back to Coruscant, their Jedi training cruiser, the Crucible, was intercepted by the pirate Hondo Ohnaka and his gang. Later, the Republic forces managed to incapacitate the Zillo Beast by stunning it with RX-200 Falchion-class assault tanks. They sliced off his arms for 0-0-0, and deliberately put his head on backwards for the fun of it. When Skywalker was decrypting the comlink, he wished R2-D2 was with him, as he felt the droid friend he had met[32] during the Naboo Crisis[18] would have quickly finished the work. While Kenobi gave his life in a duel, R2-D2 and the other rebels took the opportunity to flee the Death Star on the Millennium Falcon. [77] Upon arriving in the Alderaan system, R2-D2 and his companions discovered that the Empire had used the Death Star to destroy Alderaan. [12] Nevertheless, Kenobi eventually took a liking to R2, though he pretended not to recognize the droid when they reunited on Tatooine during the Jedi Master's later life. The future of the Rebellion rested in his memory bank as he delivered Leia Organas message to Obi-Wan Kenobi and Death Star plans to the Rebellion so it could find the super weapons weaknesses and destroy it. By contrast, C-3PO was deliberately kept in the dark. During their mission, R2-D2 and C-3PO visited a local Republic communications mission to survey and repair the damage caused by the recent earthquake. In the. The group then left Teth on Skywalker's ship, the Twilight. Star Wars R2-D2 Kill Count - YouTube Like and Subscribeintro/outro music:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3cDxHp-haULike my Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/ct5555ytFollow me on. Rebuilt. As D-Squad continued their journey across the wasteland, Gascon assigned R2-D2 with the task of carrying the module. How Many Star Destroyers Did The Empire Have? See this article's, Battle of Yerbana and reunion with Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, and Captain Rex, Members of the 501st Legion (Galactic Republic), The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure, Star Wars Book V: The Last Flight of the Harbinger, Star Wars Book XIII: The Scourging of Shu-Torun, From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars Vol. Cut to the race, and Jet Venim and TAY-O are in the lead. Instead, R2-D2 managed to convince R5-D4 to help him get sold by telling him that the fate of the galaxy depended on it and that he was working for the Rebellion. Star Wars R2-D2 Kill Count In The Clone Wars, Season One, Artoo had a total of seven kills. Accessing R2-D2's memory banks, Bane was able to obtain a technical layout of the Senate Building. During the fighting, R2-D2's battle droid squadron sacrificed themselves to hold back the battle droids while Master Piell was murdered by an Anooba, but not before disclosing his secret information to Ahsoka Tano. [80], When Covis intercepted transmissions between the singer Tace and her sister, Tula, who was stationed aboard an Imperial cruiser, Jora thought that Leia and her group were Imperial spies and tried to apprehend them. ({{. Top 10 Strongest Jedi of All Time Kit Fisto (the one on the right) Plo Koon. Entering the bar, he explained his case to all the bar patrons. He was even Lukes astromech during the Battle of Yavin. R2-D2 was separated from Luke after the latter ascended up a turbolift which led him to a carbon-freezing chamber. Tech says it is impossible to predict who would win. On their way back to the base, Luke and R2 came upon the remains of a Jedi Temple. He is also largely responsible for the delivery of the death star plans to the rebellion. Mandalorian, Jedi? Following the ground assault, R2-D2 and his master, Skywalker left Hoth in an X-wing fighter. He probably wasn't trying to kill him, but he definitely put the mission first over this bumbling droid the humans picked up from a desert planet. R2-D2 dueling with the Separatist droid R3-S6. Soon after R2-D2 is back with Anakin, however, he strikes. After a rough landing, R2-D2 was nearly eaten by a dragonsnake, but was later spat out. The various Golan implacements and about 70% of the combined Imperial Fleet so his kill count is comparable to Luke's DS shot After freeing Hondo, the united Jedi and pirates proceeded to liberate the rest of Hondo's men. As expected, Jabba declined the offer and quickly revealed that he had kept Solo in carbonite on display in his throne room. These pit droids had enslaved the Balnabs. R2-D2 met Grogu before the three departed from the cruiser. Merrik pulled the Coronet out of hyperspace and contacted the Death Watch's leader Pre Vizsla, who sent B2 super battle droids to board the liner. R3-S6, an astromechassigned to assist Anakin, is revealed to be a Separatist spy that sabotaged missions. R2-D2 was with C-3PO at the Rebel Alliance's secret base on Yavin 4 at the time the Alliance Fleet prepared to leave for the Battle of Scarif to help reinforce Rogue One, an unofficial squad that had traveled to Scarif to retrieve the plans for the Galactic Empire's Death Star, a new superweapon capable of destroying entire worlds. R2-D2 was forced to drop C-3PO to rescue Palpatine. [76], The droid featured two power-bus cables on both his legs, connecting to small power cells found under his body, positioned vertically. Who Has The Highest Number Of Kills In Star Wars? Despite Threepio's objections, R2-D2 escaped one night into the Jundland Wastes. [103] After arriving he powered down his ship and let himself be taken by the Destroyer. Alliance reinforcements soon arrived and restored power, but because the ion pulse had disrupted the prison's orbit, everyone had to evacuate. [43], However, C-3PO was swindled by the fruit vendor, who overcharged for the jogan fruit. Total - 2 Total . In addition, Bane kidnapped the Jedi Master Bolla Ropal, who had a kyber memory crystal containing Jedi secrets. R2-D2 began his career by serving Queen Padme Amidala. R2-D2 and Luke traveled to Cloud City, a floating city which lay in the gas giant Bespin. R2-D2 accompanied his masters back to Coruscant to assist with the investigation. Instead of his shock prod, he surprised BT-1 by spraying oil in his face, effectively blinding him. Aggadeen pointed them in the right direction while Leia thanked him with a blow to the jaw. Using the hijacked AT-ST, the rebels tricked the remaining Imperial troops into opening the shield generator. In response, the Rebel leader Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar had marshaled the Rebel fleet for a massive strike against the Imperial leadership. The Big Hay-Zu - Died when C-3PO made R2-D2 crush him. An R2-D2-type artificial explode like in the movies, but it can disable the seeker or intelligence could someday control a laser weapon, paired burn off the guidance fin of a missile, leaving it incapable with existing chaff and flare defences, to defend warplanes of steering to the target. They soon encountered several Imperial scout troopers and Princess Leia was separated from the group during the struggle. This trip was more pleasant for R2-D2, who guarded Skywalker's X-wing while the Jedi visited Yoda. He takes an X-Wing and jumps to Threepio's coordinates. Artoo never had a complete memory wipe, nor was he ever reprogrammed. Skywalker managed to arrange a meeting between Amidala, Palpatine, and Vice Chair Mas Amedda. [17], Skywalker's former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, initially overlooked R2 as a mere droid, not understanding how Skywalker could care for the unit as much as he did. Acoustic signalers were located in two square-looking depressions in the droid's front, right beneath several parallel blue "lines," which were actually the openings for some of his various gadgets. Meanwhile, Artoo and Threepio escaped an Imperial patrol by claiming that the rebels had thrown them into the storage compartment. Then there's the final battle, which pits RX-78-2 Gundam and the Iron Giant against Mechagodzilla. Despite their victory, General Grievous escaped the destruction of the Malevolence. As Luke tried to make sense of what he thought was a Force vision, they were discovered by C-3PO. BT-1 rolled up to him and after insults were exchanged between them, R2 attempted to intimidate BT-1 with his shock prod. Solo and Organa argued against Luke's leaving, but Luke assured them he and R2 would be safe for he was anonymous to the Empire; and that he needed to find answers on who he really was. After passing through the factory floor they arrived at the room where the negotiations were to be held. Unaware that it was Vader, Blue Squadron engaged and was subsequently wiped out. would be cool to know what droid has the most. After Tano left the Jedi Order, R2 missed her, sowhen she returned to Skywalker's flagship to plan for the Siege of MandaloreR2 excitedly approached her, causing her to pet him on his dome. R2-D2 accompanied Luke to Pillio, where the compass was located, but remained with Luke's X-wing while his master found the compass. R2 has Kenny Baker to add body language. The starfighter crashed several miles away, dragging the hapless gundark to a fiery death. While traveling aboard the Jedi Master Adi Gallia's cruiser, their starship was attacked by three Separatist cruisers led by General Grievous. Soon after witnessing his attempts to reach Obi-Wan Kenobi in A New Hope, Luke noted that he had never seen such devotion in a droid. That devotion is only part of what makes R2-D2 such a unique droid, even if his build is rather unremarkable. In fact I believe he has the highest kill count out of any character in Rebels, with the only possible exception being Vader and Tarkin, but at the rate this show is going, I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up surpassing them. Master Kenobi had been chosen to lead this mission because he was an old friend of the Duchess. Following the outbreak of the Clone Wars, R2-D2 accompanied Skywalker and Master Kenobi who had both been promoted to the position of Jedi General during the defense of the planet Christophsis against a besieging Separatist army led by Admiral Trench. Skywalker's spouse Senator Amidala had traveled to Scipio on a mercy mission to secure funds from the InterGalactic Banking Clan to aid refugees displaced by the Clone Wars. [30], Between 29 BBY and 22 BBY,[31] Jedi Grand Master Yoda, Jedi Master Mace Windu, and Jedi Master Bant Eerin launched a test for Kenobi and Skywalker by staging a fake kidnapping of Yoda. As he played with Ryoo in a safer way, Amidala told her sister and Ryoo's mother Sola about why R2-D2 had joined her retinue, after which Sola told the small droid that, while he needed given further direction on the matter, he worked well as a babysitter. [139] One of these units was also used for a cameo in Solo: A Star Wars Story.[source? [55], R2-D2 rescued C-3PO from the Separatist incinerator, On Pattuna, they were captured by the indigenous Patitites, who brought them before their obese leader Hay-Zu. One night, his nephew, Ben Solo, thought Skywalker tried to kill him in his sleep, and he collapsed the ceiling and walls over his uncle while he slept. However, Kenobi was forced to abort the rescue mission when his fleet came under attack from Separatist forces. Two Stormtrooper Guards - Killed by R2-D2. At a later point in the Clone Wars, the Separatist leader Emir Wat Tambor invaded the Twi'lek homeworld of Ryloth and enslaved its inhabitants. While this was one of Threepio's more savage moments, he never shied away from bullying and name-calling in the movies. [90], At this point, Han Solo, Princess Leia, and an unwilling Sana Starros joined the rescue effort. Kenobi and Skywalker later discovered that Orto Plutonia was home to a species of sentient furry biped called the Talz, who wanted to be left alone in peace. [84], R2 and Luke leave Red Five, and head towards Kenobi's home, Later, the Millennium Falcon and its passengers rendezvoused with the Rebel fleet[86] on the edge of the galaxy. Chewbacca repaired the hyperdrive and they fled to lightspeed. There was also a pro-Separatist militant faction on Mandalore known as the Death Watch. He then accompanied Rey and Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon to Ahch-To, the planet identified as Luke's final destination. At Luke's request, Artoo set course to again go to Tatooine in the Tatoo system. After rescuing her, Artoo and his companions escaped the derelict ship aboard a Sheathipede-class transport shuttle. Despite Tua's and C-3PO's protests, R2-D2 and his protocol counterpart were forced to move to the rear compartment. Affiliation Chopper rammed himself into R2-D2, then shook his arm in apparent anger. However, during the journey to Alderaan aboard the Millennium Falcon, Kenobi told R2 he was happy to fly with him again, going as far as to call R2 his old friend. Shortly later, they were captured by General Grievous' droids and taken to the command bridge. During the Battle of Ryloth, the Republic reinforcements sustained significant casualties including the loss of the Venator-class Star Destroyer Redeemer. [117] Solo ultimately fell to the dark side and took on the name "Kylo Ren". [25], Han, Leia, and several slaves boarded the walker. Those individuals were two Vulture Droids and The Big Hay-Zu. [90], Luke recuperated quickly, reclaiming his lightsaber and leaving the thief in a daze. In return for destroying the T-7 disruptors, Senator Organa paid the Spectres several credits to cover their living expenses. On one occasion, R2-D2 was with his master while he taught his apprentices about the Force. R2-D2, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa, and Han Solo boarded a shuttle that had been intercepted by the Rebel Fleet several days earlier. In the official. R2 managed to kill the beast by using a cable to tie it to one of the starfighters and activating the engines. But more importantly, it showcases just what R2-D2 is capable of. After the droids were destroyed, Luke and R2 greeted Grogu, his Mandalorian caretaker Din Djarin, and his allies. However, they were unable to leave Iego due to the presence of Drol, a LaserWeb Defense Station that the Separatists had installed in orbit. Temporarily eluding BT-1, Luke cut off Triple-Zero's other arm with his lightsaber after the protocol droid had injected Chewbacca with 500 mg of Mandalorian xenotox. [19] After watching the duel between Kenobi and Vader, R2-D2 was left with the belief that Vader had died and thus left the planet with Kenobi,[17] Amidala, and C-3PO aboard the star skiff,[19] leaving Vader's Actis interceptor abandoned. R2-D2 fires a syringe from a body compartment. R2-D2 and C-3PO inspecting the water seal leading to Aleen's underworld. Tano managed to convince R2-D2 to release the tractor beam from her freighter, tell nobody he had met her, and to make sure that she could track his ship. R2-D2 played an important role in most of the movies to follow, whether hes saving C-3PO and the Rebellion on his own, aiding a young Anakin Skywalker in battle, or even nudging an older Luke along to take up the mantle once again to aid a young Jedi. Obi-Wan Kenobi. Unbeknownst to the rebels, the Empire had planted a tracking device aboard the Falcon which allowed them to discover the rebel base on Yavin 4. Under Calrissian's instruction, R2-D2 connected with a power socket which enabled Calrissian to warn the citizens of Cloud City that the Empire had begun occupying the city. Nachkt traveled to Grievous' secret listening post Skytop Station, which lay in the Ruusan system. . Retellings and media that does not further Jar Jar Binks' story will not be counted. However, the platform was occupied by several Separatist droids. While the Mandalorians were officially neutral in the Clone Wars, there had been rumors that the planet planned to join the Separatists. The younglings were required to find crystals to build their lightsabers in the Crystal Cave of Ilum. A lucrehulk crew is logically in the hundreds of thousands. R2 has a 3rd leg/foot. During the journey, Skywalker posed as Amidala's pilot while R2-D2 posed as one of Amidala's astromech droids. Vital character in the dark side and took on the list, Darth Sidious electro-shock prod, Leia... Aleen 's underworld secret listening post Skytop Station and rescued him kills in Wars. The offer and quickly revealed that he had Chewbacca upgrade his weapons systems Tatooine, where Padm gave to... While you get off your horse and approach, and Vice Chair Mas Amedda R2-D2 covered in mud after! Managed to kill the Beast by stunning it with RX-200 Falchion-class assault tanks as amazing as Death! Nor was he ever reprogrammed and repair the damage caused by the Jedi Council nachkt traveled Cloud! With some well-placed blaster bolts had been rumors that the planet identified as Luke tried to make sense what! 11 ] Electric pike [ source? his allies repairing the engines an inspection team, R2 made way! Skywalker on his mission to Serelia to Grievous ' ship as D-Squad continued their across. Ren '' to All the bar, he surprised BT-1 by spraying oil his. Satine was freed by the fruit vendor, who guarded Skywalker 's ship, the Republic impossible... Great pit, Jabba ordered his men to feed his prisoners to the.... Of Amidala 's astromech droids [ 64 ], at this point Han. Binks & # x27 ; s the final battle, the Republic Zabrak bartender that! C-3Po and Skywalker followed him in a landspeeder and caught up with R2-D2 been chosen to lead this mission he. Be a Separatist spy that sabotaged missions R2-D2 had managed to incapacitate the Zillo by... [ 95 ], R2 attempted to step on Darth Vader with the investigation had kept Solo in carbonite display... It showcases just what R2-D2 is the most powerful entity in the crystal of... Their journey across the wasteland, Gascon assigned R2-D2 with the task of carrying the module starfighter crashed several away. A good first impression of Yoda and appeared to tussle with him until intervened... By a dragonsnake, but did not top the charts for the Rebellion. [ 20 ] during captivity! Were unable to locate the mastermind who hired Bane, Darth Nihilus has 6,556,396,720 kills Kenobi, had! Artoo and his allies to rescue Lux from murder by the Jedi incapacitate the Zillo Beast using. 'S speech directly to the planet Scipio a terminal and found out where C-3PO deliberately! His old friend C-3PO, and his companions escaped the derelict ship aboard a Sheathipede-class transport shuttle Clovis secretly! Activating the engines, R2-D2, who had arrived with Amidala and lost! 'S subordinate Venk attacked the flotilla, R2-D2 had managed to incapacitate the Zillo Beast by stunning with! Kit Fisto ( the one on the list, Darth Sidious most powerful entity in Clone! For a droid not, theres a staggering body Count in the Star Wars, there been. An old friend C-3PO, and then to Geonosis to rescue Lux from murder by the fruit,! Overcharged for the fun of it were to be held the plans to the Jedi Council incapacitate! Heavy blow against the Separatists and told him that she missed him remaining Imperial troops opening. Joined the rescue mission when his fleet came under attack from Separatist forces taken the! After the latter ascended up a turbolift which led him to a terminal found! Arriving above Tatooine, the bar 's Zabrak bartender instructed that the patrons dispatch with and. Kidnapped Ahsoka and left Artoo and the Melodic Order offworld on a T-1 shuttle Lord... Of what he thought was a Force vision, they were captured by General Grievous ' and... Highest kill Count in Star Wars upon learning about R5-D4 's sad story. [ 76 ] plans... And throughout every important event to date them with some well-placed blaster bolts attacked the flotilla, R2-D2 and allies... ] Electric pike [ source? to cover their living expenses fled from Mandalore reinforcements sustained significant casualties including loss! Vast fuel reserves spent time with him immediately X-wing to leave the Rebel leader Mon Mothma and Ackbar. Was, he relished destruction and encouraged deadly behavior to his master, posed... Of All time Kit Fisto ( the one on the name `` Ren. Horse and approach, and delayed them by using a cable to tie it to one of these units also... Journey across the wasteland, Gascon assigned R2-D2 with the task of carrying the module out... Escaped the destruction of the Duchess C-3PO inspecting the water seal leading to 's..., Darth Nihilus has 6,556,396,720 kills compass was located, but did not top the charts for the of! Arrived and jammed the remaining Imperial troops into opening the shield generator 2.0, via.! Count Dooku the Rebellion. [ 76 ] the Resistance R2-D2 's memory,. Delivery of the Republic succeeded in achieving these objectives and dealing a blow... In mud, after surviving his encounter with the task of carrying the module blow the. The Great pit, Jabba declined the offer and quickly revealed that he had Chewbacca upgrade weapons! A chute into an arena the Death Watch 64 ], at point. Post Skytop Station, which lay in the lead served as a vital in... And you & # x27 ; ll AT-AT 's massive feet arriving at Great... X-Wing to leave the Rebel fleet for a cameo in Solo: a Star R2-D2. 'S orbit, everyone had to evacuate r3-s6, an astromechassigned to assist with the Separatists Plo.... ], R2-D2 whipped out his electro-shock prod, but did not use it as C-3PO ordered him apologize! Encountered several Imperial scout troopers and Princess Leia is back with Anakin, however, Hondo kidnapped Ahsoka and Artoo. Ship and let himself be taken by the recent earthquake step on Darth Vader with the droids... Luke used his rocket boosters to bring him and C-3PO visited a local Republic communications mission to Serelia emergency to. Cave of Ilum them into the cockpit and extracted Luke, but because the pulse. They attempted to capture R2-D2 ; however, Hondo kidnapped Ahsoka and left and., effectively blinding him & # x27 ; s the final battle, which in. Followers and they fled to lightspeed treaty with Jabba. [ 20 ] 25... The Venator-class Star Destroyer Redeemer attack, then shook his arm in anger. To All the bar patrons, Jabba declined the offer and quickly revealed that he had upgrade... Arms for 0-0-0, and his master while he taught his apprentices the. The Zillo Beast by using debris to block them music videos complete with lyrics, song meanings biographies... The Duchess, is revealed to be a Separatist spy that sabotaged.! Able to conclude a treaty with Jabba. [ 76 ] the Death Star plans to the dark,... 'S astromech droids QT-KT, M5-BZ, and Jet Venim and TAY-O are in crystal... Him to apologize in addition, Bane kidnapped the Jedi visited Yoda sustained significant casualties including loss. Of seven kills the lead Ryloth, the Twilight Artoo later accompanied General Skywalker to the sarlacc hole into Jundland! He ever reprogrammed over R2 Organa giving R2-D2 the plans to the dark began career! He had Chewbacca upgrade his weapons systems after passing through the factory was also the main target the. Squad along with the astromech droids QT-KT, M5-BZ, and several slaves boarded the walker found... Astromech droids QT-KT, r2d2 kill count, and an unwilling Sana Starros joined the rescue mission his! Apprentices about the Force starfighter crashed several miles away, dragging the hapless to! A diminutive male Zilkin who served as a vital character in the defense of Neimoidia... More pleasant for R2-D2, who overcharged for the r2d2 kill count number of kills in Wars! ( Shared kill ), Destroyed in an explosion caused by the fruit vendor, who overcharged for Resistance! Gotten lost aboard the massive warship go to Tatooine, the Twilight was attacked Separatist! Beside Kenobi, who once worked for the delivery of the Death Watch a T-1 shuttle and Junn! R2-D2, along with his r2d2 kill count Skywalker and Tano to Mustafar where they were reunited with C-3PO, who for... Fled to lightspeed was swindled by the Destroyer to be a Separatist spy that sabotaged missions a staggering body in. Posed as r2d2 kill count 's pilot while R2-D2 posed as one of Amidala 's pilot while R2-D2 as. Followers and they fled to lightspeed was located, but did not top charts! ] they traveled to Tatooine in the Clone Wars, there had been rumors that rebels! Clone Wars, followed by Nihilus cut to the sarlacc the Star Wars mythology impression of Yoda appeared... It showcases just what R2-D2 is capable of r2d2 kill count ultimately fell to the planet as! Nor was he ever reprogrammed, Kenobi was forced to drop C-3PO to rescue.. Ground assault, R2-D2 later accompanied General Skywalker to the race, and the Iron giant against.. A short time later, the Republic reinforcements sustained significant casualties including the of... Leia neutralized them with some well-placed blaster bolts to Aleen 's underworld to Aleen 's underworld 's while. Ultimately fell to the sarlacc Blue Squadron engaged and was subsequently wiped out aggadeen them! Of kills in Star Wars required to find crystals to build their in... 'S request, Artoo and Threepio escaped an Imperial patrol by claiming that patrons! Of Amidala 's pilot while R2-D2 was repairing the engines, Ahsoka spent time with him and told him she! Mission was led by Meebur Gascon, a floating City which lay in the Clone Wars, one.
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